Post Stroke Care

Discover resources and local stroke organizations that help support stroke survivors and their caregivers.

The Role of Technology in Stroke Prevention and Recovery

Advancements in the field of science and technology give rise to more effective tools for disease prevention and recovery. Learn about strokes and its management through technology. Goes Here

Santa Clara County Stroke Centers

Listed is a map of all the Santa Clara County Stroke Centers that are certified by the Joint Commission Primary Stroke Center Certification Program. These hospitals have special stroke teams that better assist patient treatments.

Depression & Stroke

Learn how depression not only affects your brain and behavior, but your entire body. Stroke survivors who are depressed may be less likely to follow treatment plans and may be more irritable or have changes in personality.

Stroke Rehabilitation For Everyone

Champion the Challenges’ focus is helping stroke survivors, therapists, family and friends reimagine stroke rehabilitation. It is a journey everyone needs to be a part of for the best results. You will find inspiring ideas and helpful resources for everyone to use and share on Champion The Challenges website.

Santa Clara County Stroke Support Groups

Get connected to your local stroke support groups in Santa Clara County. The Pacific Stroke Association has full comprehensive list of local Stroke Support Groups and many resources for stroke survivors and their caregivers.