
Legally Blue Benefit Concert

Thank you to our generous sponsors and guests of the 2nd Annual Legally Blue Concert to Benefit The Stroke Awareness Foundation, supporting stroke education, improving the health of our community, and honoring Chris Wilder, stroke survivor and Stroke Awareness Foundation board member. [...]

Free Blood Pressure Screenings

Free Blood Pressure Screenings The Stroke Awareness Foundation partnered with the American Red Cross’ Silicon Valley First Aid Services Team (FAST) to provide training, specialized diagnostic supplies, guidance on how to educate and screen the public for warning signs of stroke. 432 FAST medical first responders, nurses and physicians have [...]

Santa Clara County Stroke Busters Health Screening

The 2014 Stroke Buster’s Stroke screening was held at the Berryessa Flea Market. The Santa Clara County EMS, together with 7 local hospitals, provided 78 volunteers and screened 732 people (622 Hispanic, 48 Vietnamese and 62 English speaking). Along with the free blood pressure screening, volunteers offered a brief [...]

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